
Business Outcomes Premium Analysis

Stop Guessing, Start Knowing.

  • Reputation isn’t just who you are, it’s what you do. Boost customer loyalty, inspire employee retention, increase sales, and earn unwavering trust, by cracking the code of stakeholder behavior with Business Outcomes Premium Analysis, by RepTrak. RepTrak’s Business Outcomes are the actions stakeholders are willing to take when considering, supporting, and engaging with a company. With Business Outcomes Premium Analysis, uncover the most powerful factors in influencing stakeholder behavior and make necessary adjustments to create powerful, impactful change.

  • What to expect:


Access data and insights that illuminates the intricate relationship between stakeholder behavior and your business.


Receive world-class support from data scientists and reputation experts to make the most of your analysis.


Align your organizational reputation strategy with departmental business objectives.


Make data-driven decisions, for more informed and effective strategies across all areas of your business.

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  • Your Business Doesn't Stop at Reputation. Neither do we.

    Building a positive corporate reputation is a team effort, but it can be difficult to determine individual departmental impact. When each team has its own objectives and targets to meet, Business Outcomes Premium Analysis provides unique metrics and insights so every department knows what they’re doing right, where they’re coming up short, where to celebrate, and where to correct the course.

    After all, why should comms teams have all the fun? Now, HR, Finance, Product, Board Members, and more can utilize Business Outcomes Premium Analysis insights to power their teams and inform their strategy with precision.


Your data. On demand.

Actionable insights powered by the RepTrak Platform.

  • Empower your decision-making with machine learning insights into stakeholder support, backed by expert human recommendations on where to focus your efforts.

  • Understand the weight and impact of each Reputation Driver and Factor on seven critical business outcomes, shaping stakeholder actions and perceptions.

  • Stay ahead of the game with near real-time, actionable data at your fingertips and maximizing advocacy from your most valued stakeholders.

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Strategic Guidance tailored to you.

It’s not just a tool; you’ll get unwavering support from our reputation experts and data scientists.

  • Bridge the gap between reputation and business outcomes, aligning your efforts to reach both organizational and departmental goals.

  • Gain a holistic understanding of the media channels required to drive positive stakeholder behavior at both micro and macro levels.

  • Stay informed on the latest business outcomes trends and uncover correlations with current events, ensuring you're always one step ahead and ready to adapt your strategies accordingly.

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Can’t wait for a demo?

Check out our latest global Business Outcomes reports for more insight into how corporate behavior and current events are impacting stakeholder behavior (spoiler alert: Scores are down, and it’s not pretty).

Stop Guessing. Start Knowing.

Supercharge your business outcomes and unlock the true potential for success with Business Outcomes Premium Analysis. This robust solution puts you in the driver's seat, allowing you to delve deep into stakeholder behavior, strategize with confidence, and drive meaningful change across your organization. With cutting-edge machine learning insights paired with human expertise, comprehensive reports, and user-friendly dashboards at your fingertips, you'll gain a holistic understanding of the driving forces behind customer loyalty, employee retention, sales, and trust. Leverage the power of data, unlock invaluable insights, and propel your business to new heights of excellence.