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File & ServeXpress focuses on providing users with case, document and party management solutions that simplify the litigation workflow of any case.

By offering electronic filing to courts, process service, secure document exchange among judges and attorneys, alert and notification tools, and a document repository, File & 新澳洲幸运8开奖历史查询结果+今日开奖记录|澳洲8历史开奖号码查询168体彩 throughout the life of a case.

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"We’ve been able to significantly reduce the costs previously associated with large quantities of paper copies, fax transmissions, mailing expenses and off-site file storage. This is particularly important in this economic era, given our extremely tight budget constraints."
Ret. Gordon Park-Li
CEO - San Francisco Superior Court
"The user friendly attributes made quick work of filing and serving all case documents."
Capshaw & Anderson
"To be honest, I don’t know how we ever lived without electronic filing before. It has been overwhelmingly beneficial to every single member of the court system here in Delaware."
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